Frequently Asked 问题
Owner Benefit Program (OBP)
What is the 业主福利计划™?
的 业主福利计划 (OBP) 是德尔瓦尔地产提供的一套全面的财务保护吗 & 物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐. 它为业主提供额外的财务保障,防止潜在的租户违约或损害. OBP包括:
- 租金提前™
- Rental Income Protection
- 被驱逐的保护
- 宠物伤害防护
- Rental Housing Legislative Alerts
- Market and Assets Level Rental Report
- 1% Reduction in your 物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐 Fee
What advantages does the 业主福利计划™ provide?
的 OBP serves as a safety net for property owners. 例如,租金提前™功能可以保证长达12个月的无风险租金收入. But if If you opt-out of the Rent Advance, 如果租户拖欠租金或损坏宠物,您仍然保持财务保障. -
How do I sign up or withdraw from the 业主福利计划™?
加入业主福利套餐™只需要通知我们您的兴趣. 对于Del Val的新客户,我们的物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐协议中将包含一份选择加入表格. Should you wish to discontinue your enrollment, simply contact us by email or phone with 30 days’ notice. -
What is the cost of the 业主福利计划™?
的 monthly subscription for the 业主福利计划™ is $49.50. -
Can I get a refund if I choose to cancel the 业主福利计划™?
绝对. If you decide to cancel your subscription within the first 60 days, we will provide a full refund of your monthly fees. Our aim is to ensure satisfaction with our services, hence the 100% refund guarantee for the first 60 days.
租金提前™是业主福利套餐™中的一项独家服务. 合资格的业主可一次缴交最多12个月的租金. 这一功能消除了租户拖欠租金收入的风险,即使租户停止支付租金,也不必偿还租金. -
How does 租金提前™ operate?
在收到电子邮件提供了详细的金额,只需点击链接来审查和接受. 后接受, 您将收到一封确认邮件,提示您验证您的银行账户详细信息以进行资金转移. Expect to receive your funds within 7 days. -
Is it mandatory to accept the 租金提前™ offer?
No, the 租金提前™ offer is optional. Property owners are not obliged to accept it. -
Does the 租金提前™ offer have an expiration date?
是的. 租金提前™优惠自电子邮件发送之日起7天内有效. However, owners can request a new offer before the next offer period. -
How do I determine if my property is eligible for a 租金提前™?
To qualify for 租金提前™, the following requirements must be met:
- At least 6 months remaining on the lease.
- 租金不受租赁援助计划(如第8节)的补贴.
- 的 monthly rent falls between $800 and $5,000.
- 该物业是一个单户住宅或一个单位内的双,三,或四.
- 现有租约将使用一种算法进行评分,该算法将审查Del Val提供的付款历史. 资金不足或逾期付款的租赁最初可能不符合租金预付™的资格.
What are the obligations if my property qualifies for a 租金提前™?
By accepting the 租金提前™ offer, you agree to:
- 在协议有效期内,继续使用Del Val作为您的物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐公司.
- 不出售, 抵押, 或在协议期内作出损害贷款人利益的决定, without prior written approval from Upfront Rent Holdings LLC.
- 在整个协议期限内,负责必要的维修或向您的靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐公司支付任何影响物业可居住性的维护问题.
What happens if the tenant fails to pay rent?
租金提前™ is completely non-recourse, meaning if a tenant defaults on their rent, you will not be required to repay the advance, 延长协议, 换一份新租约, 遭受信贷冲击, or face any other penalty. 德尔瓦尔将根据当地和州法律启动驱逐程序. -
Is Rent Advance structured like a loan? If so, what is the interest rate?
预付租金不是贷款,而是向业主购买未来应收租金. 在报价中规定的时间内,报价将从总金额的90%到94%不等. 租金金额和预付期限是决定折扣的重要因素. -
业主是按月收费,还是提前扣除? Is income from utilities still directly deposited?
维修费用将照常收取,而不是从租金中扣除. 每月的费用, such as management and lease renewal fees, will be deducted before sending the advance offer. -
What if my rental unit doesn't initially qualify for the Rent Advance?
If your property and lease don't initially qualify, you'll still enjoy other benefits of the 业主福利计划™. 每个月,我们都会审查您的物业和租约,看看它们是否符合租金提前™的标准. So, even if you don't qualify now, you might in a month or two. -
房东被称为“卖方”,因为他们出售未来应收租金的权利. 作为斯泰格,我们正在向房东购买这些未来的应收账款. -
What are the typical criteria to be approved for the Rent Advance?
- Rent is between $800 and $5,000 per month
- No rental assistance programs (section 8, etc.)
- Minimum 6 months remaining on new or existing lease
- Tenant must be current on rent
- 在过去4个月内多次逾期付款/ nsf将取消该单位的资格
Rental Income Protection
What is the 业主福利计划™?
What is Rental Income Protection and what does it cover?
Rental Income Protection, a feature of the 业主福利计划™, shields owners from losses due to tenant rent default. It provides up to 2 months of lost rental income for eligible units. Situations covered include:
- Eviction due to non-payment of rent.
- 租户租赁违约.
- Tenant abandoning the rental unit.
No. Once you accept a 租金提前™ offer, 既然你已经提前收到了房租,租金收入保障就变得没有必要了. -
Are there any eligibility requirements for Rent Protection?
是的, the monthly rent must fall between $800 and $5,000. 订阅时的现有租约是根据当前租户的付款习惯进行评估的. We consider factors such as on-time payments, 逾期还款, and insufficient funds to determine qualification. 所有有新租户的单位,如果他们目前参加了业主福利计划™,就会自动获得资格. -
We manage the entire claims process on your behalf. 到索赔的时候,我们会提交索赔请求,并提供所需的所有文件. 索赔通常在扣除靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐费后7天内支付.
Eviction and Pet Protection
What is 被驱逐的保护 and what does it cover?
被驱逐的保护 contributes up to $1,为Del Val审核并批准的租户支付驱逐的法律和法庭费用. 的 payment will be reimbursed to you following the court hearing. 业主须预付法律及法庭费用,并会在法院作出判决后获发还. -
If an eviction is filed and the tenant subsequently pays rent, 您仍然可以支付因租户拖欠租金而产生的任何相关费用. A claim can be submitted for the cost of filing the eviction. -
What is Pet Protection and what does it cover?
Pet Protection covers up to $1,被批准的宠物造成的损失超过了保证金和宠物押金的金额. 根据公平住房准则,它不包括任何服务性动物造成的损害.
Market and Asset Level Rental Report
本报告是一份季度分析报告,重点介绍您租赁物业的当前市场价值和当地单位的月租金金额. 它会让你了解你的房产的潜在售价,以及你的租金与其他房产的租金相比如何.
Real Time Legislative Alerts
What information is included in the Legislative Alerts?
Our legislative alerts keep you informed about new, 等待, and recently passed rental housing legislation. 了解最新的租赁房屋法律,了解它们如何影响你未来的投资机会.